Currently Club Diana has the following rooms available for rent:
1. An office enviroment for naughty office games (office photo's
2. A fully equipped bedroom with kingsize bed and mirror/mood lighting and more (bedroom photo's here)
3. A fully equipped dungeon with cages and chains and other equipment for levitation (dungeon photo's here)
4. A larger seating area for party's or play with large flatscreen tv and mood lights (party area photo's here)
5. A jacuzzi with jet streams and other bathing equipment like soaps and perfumes (jacuzzi photo's here)
6. A large shower area with toilet and peep holes for voyeuristic people and/or for people interest
in watersports/scat (shower photo's here)
Prices start from 2000hk$ per hour per room but if more rooms or a longer duration is required then
an arrangement can be made. Best is to ask Diana for package deals. Following as mentioned by Diana:
hkd 520 ) 性幻想女皇講真人故事, 專業探索你的性幻想和戀物癖和BDSM網課調教, 電話課程(520/15分鐘起, 1000/30分鐘)
hkd 2, 000 ) Fantasy & Fetish & Bdsm & Role Play培訓學校.
通過由非風險 BDSM 專家領導的專業課程拓寬您的視野。
培訓班; 高級, 所有課程, 初級, 中級.在線課程和面對面會議押金預訂。
hkd 3, 000 ) 加入全球社區會員, 情趣視頻秀會所直播, 情趣專家劇情調教, 專治夫妻對象陽萎, 雙性戀泛性戀網課, AV模擬角色扮演,
女皇/女奴/CD/TS/男主/男奴/繩藝培訓.夫妻情侶多元之愛, 圖文語音視頻交流, 情迷千款制服誘惑, 性感情趣內衣褲絲祙, 高跟鞋成人玩具拍賣, 易服戀物原味定制.
hkd 2, 000 ) 歡迎加盟心靈家園, 女皇讀書會影迷會, 情趣專家劇情調教, 私人電影視頻定制.明日之星园夢計划, 全球資源合作共贏, 知識變現創富聯盟, 商機無限無本創業,
hkd 2, 000 ) 二千呎女皇宮殿, 千萬創意明星片場.金碧輝煌海底龍宮, 兩性情感情趣專家, 精神分析穿透人性, 成人迪士尼, 电玩反斗城, 釋放你的性幻想和減壓,
療癒心靈的法國芳香療法:解讀你情緒的根源, 用精油清除內心的負能量 (會所獨立主題租埸)
hkd 3, 000 ) 女皇教室唯美繩藝, 千款AV模擬BDSM課程, 另類診療所.前列腺專家, 完美敎育禁室培慾(專業歐美刑具密室租場調教)
hkd 4, 000 ) AV夢天堂酒池肉林, 高科技抗衰老療程.高潮瑜珈美容減肥.法國香薰日式溫泉, 催情水療情趣享受(多元化主題情侶租場)
hkd 5, 000 ) 女皇宮殿華麗盛宴, 千萬珍藏情趣收藏家, 情迷制服絲襪高跟鞋, 名貴水晶珠寶飾物, 成人玩具皮具刑具誘惑.橡膠圈漢服圈唯美攝影, 易服戀物絲滑享受,
hkd 10, 000 ) 全球會員夫妻情侶角色扮演私人派對(專業演藝創作團體個人包場)
hkd 10, 000 ) 歡迎加盟女神影視, 創富聯盟網課到現實, 女皇讀書會影迷會, 睇戲學戲無限創意.創造價值知識變現, 通往財富自由之路.(短視頻制作攝影培訓, 月費租金會員推廣10小時套餐)
hkd 30, 000 ) 財富女神商學院, 全能人生教練課程, 明星經紀人培訓班, 提升你的格局思維, 調整三觀人格魅力, 男神女神網紅培訓班, 明日之星园夢計划,
私人電影視頻定制.全球精英合作共贏, 商機無限加盟創業.高情商智商財商網賺課.全國教室女神聯盟, 你有流量我有資源, 年賺百萬千萬不是夢.
hkd 100, 000 月租年費充值會員, 專業為你度身訂造1對1夢想合伙人, 創富聯盟园夢計划。
世界上最獨特的私人會員制, 女皇明星夢工埸, 女神影視俱樂部
現實夢想家, 情趣戲劇家
靈慾情色愛, 完美性教育
原味定制圈, 泛性戀TS圈,
全球旅遊圈, 高端婚友圈,
輕奢購物圈, 多元之愛圈,
現實夢想家, 情趣戲劇家
靈慾情色愛, 完美性教育
原味定制圈, 泛性戀TS圈,
全球旅遊圈, 高端婚友圈,
輕奢購物圈, 多元之愛圈,
加盟女神影視帝國, 希望工程园夢計划, 共建共享心靈家園, 眾籌大型多元化主題, 明星片埸易服戀物, 情趣藝術戲劇博物館, 招烏托幫影視基地, 我愛拍電影招夢想合伙人.招月租年費終身會員,
支持情趣藝術戲劇文化教育, 招贊助捐款天使投資人.(捐款500起/眾籌股東合伙人1萬至1千萬人民幣起)
你將會為Kinky Family做出什麼貢獻?
Kinky Family歡迎多才多藝和興趣匹配的女士可以成為女神影視創富聯盟的代言人和互推合伙人。商機無限傭金制度, 推廣大使送VIP網賺課程.
溫馨提示: 愛神的呼喚.神聖的使命, 全球招團隊合伙人。所有費用都是支持女皇心靈家園巨大的投資和借貸和在影視創作和未來新影視基地永恆的愛和建設費用.
誠意面試租埸定金預約: 2000/5000hkd起。
看規矩慬禮儀, 紅包見人品, 付費后交流。相互了解和尊重,從你的自我介紹開始。
假如, 你的贊美沒有付上錢,你將是一文不值的。
坑貨太多防狼有術, 防千年口嗨❌意淫❌忽悠❌騙炮❌騙調❌騙財❌騙色❌騙婚❌自私❌霸權主義❌強迫症❌妄想症❌沒臉相片❌免費勿擾❌
HK$ 2, 000 -min) View 2, 000 square feet of the Queens palace, rich and luxurious star dream
paradise (fantasy soul therapy treatment)
hkd 3, 000 min ) Queen classrooms as seen on TV, AV multiple style for perfect kinky education (
fully equipped dungeon rental and Session Package)
hkd 3, 000 min ) Movie Star Themed Studios. Aromatherapy kinky fun spa for couple rental
(Multi-theme clubhouse venues)
hkd 4, 000 min ) Venues with choice of extensive collection of internationally renowned fetish
fashion, stress-relief experts (kinky fun packages)
hkd 5, 000 min ) Global membership of couples for role-playing private parties (group based private
packages for all venues)
hkd 10, 000 min ) Asia's top creative private movie fantasy photography space (10 hours within 1
month fee rental)
Email / telephone 24 hour bookings only
This is a classy fun private club for our kinky, romantic, passionate enjoy social
drinks, fantasy role playing and fetish bdsm. Parties, private self-made films, erotic photography.
Porn movies, Jacuzzi jet spa facilities for couples and groups. Shopping retail & rental of
specialist fantasy and fetish goods.
For fetish lovers, extensive environments of professional performing kinky arts creations. Have the
only permanent fully equipped dungeon in HK.
I am a gorgeous & experienced Queen & kinky love doctor (dominatrix) who enjoys playing with all
people from the newest novice to the most experienced expert.
Each individual's FANTASY & FETISH & BDSM & KINKY FUN hobby and game packages and spending power is
different. I will not try to guess strangers spending power and habit which is why I like to know
everyone's plan.
The Fetish club website shows a clear difference in the rent price list and packages and discounts
to suit different consumer interests and habits of voluntary and sincere lovers choice. We have made
a positive investment of 10, 000, 000HKD to develop this Private film star studio.
- FETISH club individual room rents and the minimum consumption is 2000hkd/1hr.
- For those who like in individual room rents and an infinite selection of role-playing uniforms &
toys & stockings & high heel shoes & instruments of torture supplies package, the minimum
consumption is 3000hkd/1hr or 5000hkd / cosplay all package.
-Whatever is the plan - Use all the space in the club perhaps. Matching different spending power and
interests and rental values of the fans including the fetish & bdsm dungeon rooms in the club. All
venues available and perfect equipment. And an infinite selection of goods. The use of the whole
club attracts an overhead cost of 5000hkd/1hr or 10000hkd / Av photography package.
We care about our good reputation, and connecting the world to enjoy FETISH & BDSM kinky fun with
like-minded elite interaction and positive values, to match the different interested partners to
click together. It is my sacred mission and sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.
We have millions of rich and luxurious FETISH & BDSM collections, perfect dungeons and instruments
of torture, from the United Kingdom and the United States - all is well made. Shareholders of the
Company are in place providing the 6 theme rooms in the club. There are fair and reasonable rules
and regulations.
Each member offering the rent will be a voluntary decision. And discounts can be met in good faith
with negotiation and adjustment.
Soul godmother and gorgeous goddess an ambassador for the dream clubhouse and fantasy wonderland. a
life coach and counsellor to help people release their sexual inhibitions